
compenswiss is an independent public law institution of the Confederation with its own legal personality. It is entered in the commercial register of the Canton of Geneva.

The management bodies of the institution are:

Governance structure

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the supreme governing body of compenswiss. It consists of 11 voting members elected by the Federal Council. It is composed of independent members and representatives of the employer and employee associations as well as a representative of the Confederation. In addition, the Federal Finance Administration and the Federal Social Insurance Office each appoint an official representative to sit on the Board of Directors without voting rights. The Director of compenswiss also attends the meetings on an advisory basis.

The Board of Directors is currently composed as follows:

Manuel Leuthold

Manuel Leuthold

Manuel Leuthold


Unabhängiger Verwaltungsrat

Ruth Meier

Ruth Meier

Ruth Meier


Unabhängige Verwaltungsrätin

Philippe Augsburger

Philippe Augsburger

Philippe Augsburger

Unabhängiger Verwaltungsrat

Verena Bernhard

Verena Bernhard

Verena Bernhard

Wirtschaftsverbände – Arbeitnehmer
Leiterin Finanzen und IT, Kaufmännischer Verband Schweiz

Hans Ulrich Bigler

Hans Ulrich Bigler

Hans Ulrich Bigler

Wirtschaftsverbände – Arbeitgeber
Direktor, Schweizerischer Gewerbeverband

Elisabeth Bourqui

Elisabeth Bourqui

Elisabeth Bourqui

Founder, BERG Capital Management

Cristina Maderni

Cristina Maderni

Cristina Maderni

Wirtschaftsverbände – Arbeitgeber
Inhaberin von PRIMAFID di Cristina Maderni

Gabriela Medici

Gabriela Medici

Gabriela Medici

Wirtschaftsvergände – Arbeitnehmer
Zentralsekretärin Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund

Roland Müller

Roland A. Müller

Roland A. Müller

Wirtschaftsverbände – Arbeitgeber
Direktor, Schweizerischer Arbeitgeberverband

Michaela Troyanov

Michaela Troyanov

Michaela Troyanov

Unabhängige Verwaltungsrätin

Adrian Wüthrich

Adrian Wüthrich

Adrian Wüthrich

Wirtschaftsverbände – Arbeitnehmer
Präsident, Travail.Suisse

Federal office representatives (advisory role)

Adrian Martinez

Adrian Martinez

Adrian Martinez

Vertreter EFV
Vizedirektor der Eidgenössischen Finanzverwaltung

Bruno Parnisari

Bruno Parnisari

Bruno Parnisari

Vertreter BSV
Stellvertretender Direktor, Leiter des Geschäftsfeldes «Mathematik, Analysen und Statistik», Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen

For information on the interests of the compenswiss Board of Directors, please refer to:

In order to manage efficiently the wide-ranging business, the Board of Directors has delegated various tasks and competencies to two permanent committees, the Board Investment Committee and the Audit & Personnel Committee. These two committees report to the Board of Directors on a regular basis.

Board Investment Committee

The Board Investment Committee is composed of at least two members and a chairman as well as, if necessary, an official representative (with an advisory vote). It prepares the matters of the Board of Directors in the area of asset management, assists the Board of Directors in its handling and submits requests or makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on proposals of the Executive Committee.

Audit & Personnel Committee

The Audit & Personnel Committee is composed of at least two members and a chairman as well as, if necessary, an official representative (with an advisory vote). It prepares the matters of the Board of Directors in the areas of organisation, audit, finance and human resources, assists the Board of Directors in their handling and submits requests or makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on proposals of the Executive Committee.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of six members comprising a Director and five heads of department. It manages the Geneva-based office and is responsible for the day-to-day operational business of compenswiss.

The Executive Committee is currently composed as follows:

Chief Executive Officer

Francesca Azzi Price

Eric Breval

Eric Breval

Chief Executive Officer

Members of the Executive Board

Marc Pfenninger

Marc Pfenninger

Marc Pfenninger

Chief Operations & Finance, Deputy CEO

Francesca Azzi Price

Francesca Azzi Price

Francesca Azzi Price

Secretary General & Chief Compliance Officer

Gaëlle Barlet

Gaëlle Barlet

Gaëlle Barlet

Head of Asset Management

Frank Juliano

Frank Juliano

Frank Juliano

Chief Investment Strategist

Vivien Ravel

Vivien Ravel

Vivien Ravel

Chief Risk Officer


At the request of the Board of Directors, the Federal Council appoints the Auditor, who provides the Board of Directors and the Federal Council with a comprehensive report on the results of its audit.